Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Corporal Punishment Is Prohibited, And Increasing...

Education has survived a lot of different situations and periods of time. It has undergone times of prejudice and racism, where only certain people had access to education. It has survived in times of neglect, when governmental budgets seemed to delegate money everywhere else but education. In general, education has survived many different situations and has come out vastly improved and better overall. With the ever-growing industry of technology, corporal punishment being prohibited, and increasing opportunities for more people, it is hard not to see the positive changes. Education has improved in many ways, and one of the most effective ways is that it has expanded to reach a whole new demographic/generation. With the growth of education, there has been an increase in educational opportunities that have followed. The average age of college students has been slowly evolving. Twenty years ago, it would be odd to see someone who wasn t just out of high school or in their early twenties in a college class. Today, that is a very common occurrence. Many people are choosing to go back to school to receive a higher education, and some are just going back to take a few classes and learn something new. Almost every one of my classes has students that are not fresh out of high school. It has been predicted that by 2020 students aged 25+ will make up 43% of all college and graduate students (â€Å"Back to School,† 2014). There is a multitude of people who are opposed to adults goingShow MoreRelatedCape Town Is South Africa1659 Words   |  7 Pagesracial segregation. Government backed injustice had serious repercussions. 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