Friday, February 28, 2020

SQL Queries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SQL Queries - Essay Example Description I have added a sub query in WHERE clause to filter those students who have no placement. f. List the names and student ids for students who have gained employment with the company that they undertook a placement at. SELECT DISTINCT Student.stu_fname, Student.stu_no FROM Employment, Student, Placement WHERE Student.stu_no=Employment.stu_no And Student.stu_no=Placement.stu_no And Placement.co_id=Employment.co_id; Description: In this query I have selected Employment, Student, Placement tables and have joined them. In addition to that, I have also patched Company ID of Placement with Employment table as well. g. List the names and student ids for students that have undertaken precisely two (2) placements. SELECT DISTINCT Student.stu_fname, Student.stu_no FROM Student WHERE (( SELECT count(*) FROM Placement WHERE (Student.stu_no=Placement.stu_no) ) >= 2 ); Description: I have added a sub query in WHERE clause to filter those students who have at least two placements. h. List the names and student ids for all students and sort the list in reversed alphabetical order (Z to A). SELECT DISTINCT Student.stu_fname, Student.stu_no FROM Student ORDER BY Student.stu_fname DESC; Description: In this query I have added ORDER BY clause to sort data in Descending order. i. Show the average length for placements, where the placement is with Sony and the student goes on to gain employment (with any company). SELECT Company.co_name, avg(SELECT count(*) FROM Placement, Student, Employment WHERE Placement.co_id=Company.co_id and student.stu_no=Employment.stu_no And student.stu_no=Placement.stu_no ) FROM company GROUP BY Company.co_name, Company.co_id HAVING Company.co_name='Sony'; Description: First I have selected the Average number of placements... In a correctly implemented database a student may not be employed and on a placement at the same point in time. However in such a database it is still possible for a student to secure employment before they have completed their placement (i.e. having a starting date for employment while still on placement). Create a query that lists all such occurrences.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Surgery Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Surgery - Case Study Example The patient is physically active and does not have any known allergies. Her height and weight on admission were 70 kg and 178 cm high respectively. She currently presented to the emergency department on the 27th April 2009 with a history of sudden, acute right sided abdominal pain which was associated with nausea. The patient was thus admitted with a diagnosis of acute right sided abdominal pain and her code status was full. History of presenting illness: According to the patient she was in her usual state of health until late this morning when she developed sudden right sided abdominal pain. The pain was colicky in nature and was associated with a feeling of nausea. It was localized in the right lower quadrant and there was no radiation. There were no particular aggravating factors. The pain was slightly reduced in supine position. The intensity of the pain increased gradually throughout the day and by the evening it became unbearable. Thus, the patient was rushed to the ER. Menstrual History: The patient reported having regular menstrual cycles of 4/28 days with normal flow. She has no complains of dysmenorrhea or intermenstrual bleeding. Her last menstrual period (LMP) was on the 20th of December 2008 and currently she is 18 weeks pregnant with twins. Sexual History: The patient lives with her steady boyfriend of 10 years. The couple report having regular, unprotected sexual intercourse. The frequency of intercourse is at least twice a week. There are no complains of dysparunea, post coital bleeding or any other problems. Past Obstetric History: The woman has had two previous deliveries, seven years and three years back. Both were normal vaginal deliveries. Both pregnancies followed an uncomplicated course and there were no issues like pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes. Social History: The woman did not have any addictions or allergies. She works as a full time employ in an education center and lives with her two children, a boy and a girl, aged seven years and three years, respectively. The patient is physically active and likes to engage in sports such as netball. Moreover, she also reports going to the gym five days a week. Findings on Examination: On inspection, there were no visible signs of any abnormalities. On palpation, the abdomen was soft, but significant guarding was present. There was localized tenderness in the right lower quadrant. No palpable masses were found. The gut sounds were present. Shifting dullness and fluid thrill were absent. Pain score on arrival: 7 out of 10 Investigations ordered and their results: On arrival in the ward and abdominal ultrasound was ordered to elucidate the cause of the abdominal pain and it revealed a right sided ovarian cyst which was 16 cm in diameter. Nursing Assessment: A young female patient, 18 weeks pregnant with twins, presenting with right sided abdominal pain, tender on palpation, feeling nauseated on arrival and has a pain score 7 out of 10. Nursing Diagnosis: Acute right side abdominal pain Management Plan: On the basis of the ultrasound, it was decided